Research by PLOS
Investigating questions surrounding open science and scholarly communications with a view to building better solutions
Our mission is to help lead a transformation in research communication. Success relies in part on developing a deeper understanding of our scholarly publishing system, and the factors that shape it, so we can better understand community needs, motivations, and behaviors.
Like the researchers who publish in our journals, PLOS prioritizes openness by posting, publishing
Open science practices
Measuring open science
Collaboratively seeking better solutions for monitoring open science
Iain Hrynaskiewicz and Chris Heid
Blog post March 20 2024 |
Open Science Indicators
Open Science Indicators are a large public dataset that uses Natural Language Processing to identify and measure open science practices, both at PLOS, and in the literature more broadly. The dataset begins in January 2018, and is updated quarterly.
Open code
Open data
Open methods
Promoting Reusable and Open Methods and Protocols (PRO-MaP): Draft Recommendations to Improve Methodological Clarity in Life Sciences Publications
Sofia B. Leite, Matthew Brooke, Annamaria Carusi, Andy Collings, Pierre Deceuninck, et al
Preprint June 13 2023 |
The MDAR (Materials Design Analysis Reporting) Framework for transparent reporting in the life sciences
Malcolm Macleod, Andrew M. Collings, Chris Graf, Veronique Kiermer, David Mellor, et al
Article April 27 2021 |
Open research culture
Researchers’ Goals When Assessing Credibility and Impact in Committees and in Their Own Work
James Harney, Louise Mayville, Iain Hrynaszkiewicz, Veronique Kiermer
Preprint July 29 2021 |
Evaluating equity in scholarly publishing
Simone Taylor, Susan Spilka, Kristen Monahan, Isabel Mulhern, Jeri Wachter
Article May 26 2020 |