PLOS Sustainability & Transformation Year in Review
2022 was a year of growth following the launch of PLOS Sustainability and Transformation. We published new and noteworthy research as we continue to build this home for global sustainability research. Discover journal updates, explore new offerings, and more below.
Published authors*
Published articles*
Total Mentions**
* Data sourced from Dimensions, as of December, 2022
** Mentions; Across web, social media, and news outlets worldwide. Data sourced from Altmetrics
In 2022, PLOS Sustainability and Transformation articles were referenced over 680 times by media outlets around the world. Explore articles that made the news:
- Rapid rise in urban sprawl: Global hotspots and trends since 1990
- A slow road from meat dominance to more sustainable diets: An analysis of purchase preferences among Finnish loyalty-card holders
- The hidden value of trees: Quantifying the ecosystem services of tree lineages and their major threats across the contiguous US
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Read noteworthy papers from 2022:
- Maximising sustainable nutrient production from coupled fisheries-aquaculture systems
- Are carbon offsets the key to green cryptocurrencies?
- Can economic development be a driver of food system sustainability? Empirical evidence from a global sustainability index and a multi-country analysis
- Reconceptualizing conservation
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Journal Updates
This relationship will open new opportunities for authors submitting to PLOS Climate, PLOS Sustainability and Transformation, and PLOS Water to post preprints with ease. Beginning early in 2023, submitting authors will have the option to automatically forward their manuscript to the EarthArXiv preprint server, directly from our submission system.
Open Access is not truly open without easy and equitable opportunities to publish. To support authors of all research communities, funding backgrounds, and institutional requirements, all PLOS journals offer APC-alternative business models through institutional partnerships.
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