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From agriculture to artificial intelligence, mental health to microbiology, PLOS journals are highly respected and influential in all areas of science.
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Moreover, our commitment to Open Science means we can give your research the widest possible audience by making it immediately and freely available to anyone, anywhere in the world.
Publishing with PLOS ensures:
Quality: Tell the full story of your science through your research questions, protocols, data, and even negative outcomes to build a foundation for replicable research.
Visibility: We press released over 400 papers in the last 12 months. Broad visibility and openness help researchers, funders, policymakers, and the general public discover your research and realize its potential.
Opportunity: We’re breaking new ground to make sharing research easier, more efficient, and fair for all authors.
Choice: From preprints to published peer review history, customize your experience to share your work earlier and add context
More credit: Track your contributions automatically through CRediT and ORCID and use article-level metrics to demonstrate the impact of your work when you need it most.c